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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Quick Guide on Career Mapping

If you aren’t already, it’s time to start hosting career mapping sessions with your employees. In today’s message, we’ll discuss why.

This is a bit of an older video I made, but the message of it still rings true today. If you’re in a leadership position within your company, there are a few things you need to know about using career mapping in your business. Before we get into what these things are, let’s first go over what career mapping is.

Like a performance review, career mapping is designed to help you keep tabs on your employees. However, while a performance review is more about your perspective on how an employee is doing in their role, career mapping is more geared toward helping you and your employees understand the trajectory of their career. In short, performance reviews are driven by your perspective as a company leader, while career mapping sessions are driven by the employee’s perspective. Most career mapping these days is done via Zoom.

With that out of the way, one of the first things any leader should know about career mapping is that these sessions should not coincide with performance reviews. Hosting them at different times of year is usually best.

Career mapping conversations increase employee retention, engagement, productivity, and fellowship.

Another good tip is to ask your employees what they do (and don’t) love about their career, as well as where they see themselves in three to five years. You should address their strengths and weaknesses, too, but always realize that someone’s strengths might not necessarily be their passions.

When your employees know that you care, they’ll care more, too. For this reason, career mapping conversations increase employee retention, engagement, productivity, and fellowship.

If you don’t already hold career mapping sessions, either virtually or in person, it’s time to start thinking about doing so. If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Cybersecurity’s Value Can’t Be Overstated

It’s 2020, and your data faces more threats than ever before. Here’s what you need to know about prioritizing cybersecurity in your business. 

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Our firm does a lot of work in the executive search space related to CISOs, or chief information security officers, for large corporations across all industries.

It’s estimated that cyber attacks cost corporations in the U.S. an estimated $1.5 trillion in 2018 and 2019, so it’s no wonder why the average board of directors considers cyber attacks the No. 1 or No. 2 threat facing their organization today.

A lot of the clients we serve here at ASAP Talent Services have had their infrastructure crippled by cyber attacks. When there’s been a major data breach at a company, that news becomes public and is very damaging to the brand.

"Please don’t wait until a cyberattack occurs to improve your cybersecurity department." 

Cybersecurity isn’t just about focusing on preventative measures; it’s about creating a concrete crisis communications plan should the worst-case scenario arise. 

A talented CISO works with your organization at the CFO level, alongside your chief legal counsel and public relations and marketing executives. Together, they devise protocol to enable your company to get out in front of any potential attack so that the damage to your data and your brand is mitigated.

Remember: In today’s digital age, it’s not if something’s going to happen, it’s when. Sadly, too many companies lack a cybersecurity department mature enough to handle crises; there may not be personnel, or the department may be severely underfunded.

Please don’t wait until a cyber attack occurs to improve your cybersecurity department, and make sure you hire only top talent for the role. 

If you have any questions about cybersecurity in 2020 or how to find talented CISOs, please feel free to reach out to me via phone or email. I’d love to speak with you.

Monday, February 3, 2020

8 Tips to Improve Your Workplace Productivity

There are eight tips you need to follow if you want to improve your workplace productivity in 2020. 

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Do you feel like you have too much on your plate, or there just aren’t enough hours in the day? Here are eight tips that will boost your workplace productivity:

1. Prioritize a top 10 list each day. Rank each item that needs to be done and start checking them off of your list. This will create a sense of accomplishment; it’s OK if you don’t get everything done.

2. Block your time. Many people have learned to block their time in 30- or 60-minute increments. With this approach, you can focus on what’s included within each block and accomplish more in your day.

3. Remove any distractions. We hear and see more smartphone notifications than ever before in 2020, and these notifications take us off point from what we need to be doing to be the best version of ourselves each day. Turn off the notifications!

4. Multitask less and focus more. Embrace the idea that people are not great at multitasking and be fully committed to one thing at a time. For example, be intentionally focused in every meeting you attend so you’re not overly distracted by convincing yourself you’re multitasking.

5. Use your smartphone to schedule your weekly events. You can use tools like Calendly to allow others access to your calendar and schedule meetings with you. Bringing organization into your life will be the best thing you ever do.

6. Schedule a few small breaks in your day to check your email or make calls. We all know that life happens, and this will allow you to check LinkedIn every once in a while or call a family member if needed.

7. Protect your time. Teach people that, although you have an open-door policy, they still need to treat it with respect. Tell them to let you know when they can get on your calendar or block a certain time of day when team members can talk to you. They shouldn’t think they can barge into your door at any time.

8. Give yourself a break. Like I already said, it’s OK if you don’t accomplish everything you set out to do in a single day. Give yourself the flexibility to react to urgent situations and push other items onto the next day.

I hope these tips help you have a great 2020. If you have any questions about this topic, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love to help you.