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Monday, February 17, 2020

Cybersecurity’s Value Can’t Be Overstated

It’s 2020, and your data faces more threats than ever before. Here’s what you need to know about prioritizing cybersecurity in your business. 

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Our firm does a lot of work in the executive search space related to CISOs, or chief information security officers, for large corporations across all industries.

It’s estimated that cyber attacks cost corporations in the U.S. an estimated $1.5 trillion in 2018 and 2019, so it’s no wonder why the average board of directors considers cyber attacks the No. 1 or No. 2 threat facing their organization today.

A lot of the clients we serve here at ASAP Talent Services have had their infrastructure crippled by cyber attacks. When there’s been a major data breach at a company, that news becomes public and is very damaging to the brand.

"Please don’t wait until a cyberattack occurs to improve your cybersecurity department." 

Cybersecurity isn’t just about focusing on preventative measures; it’s about creating a concrete crisis communications plan should the worst-case scenario arise. 

A talented CISO works with your organization at the CFO level, alongside your chief legal counsel and public relations and marketing executives. Together, they devise protocol to enable your company to get out in front of any potential attack so that the damage to your data and your brand is mitigated.

Remember: In today’s digital age, it’s not if something’s going to happen, it’s when. Sadly, too many companies lack a cybersecurity department mature enough to handle crises; there may not be personnel, or the department may be severely underfunded.

Please don’t wait until a cyber attack occurs to improve your cybersecurity department, and make sure you hire only top talent for the role. 

If you have any questions about cybersecurity in 2020 or how to find talented CISOs, please feel free to reach out to me via phone or email. I’d love to speak with you.