Are you asking the right questions to find great partners? I wanted to offer some ideas for the right questions to ask to ensure you're forging the right relationships with your partners.
The reason clients, a company, or a candidate should consider working with ASAP Talent Services has a lot to do with the tenure that we have in the business, the deep expertise we have in SAP, and our history of successful matches with strong professionals that we place into the companies that we work with.
We really pride ourselves on find culture fits and not just technical abilities to do the job. We aim to place people with our clients that can still be there for three to five years or even longer in the future, and are promotable within their organizations.
A common question we get asked is how to find great partners. What questions do you need to ask? I think you need to ask companies about their demonstrated history of placing that type of person with other companies and other clients. You want to know about their history and their track record of quality placements. Are their references checkable with those companies and clients?
You want to know if they have a good track record of quality placements.
Take it a step further and ask how long they have been with those companies. Do they have repeat customers, where they're building deep partnerships that last for several years in a row? Are they working directly with hiring authorities and have collaborative relationships with talent acquisition (as well as the IT department in our case)? Or are they just working with HR?
Do they do retained and financially committed searches, or are they only a contingency search firm — which oftentimes means they're just one of many firms working on the same exact search.
Hopefully, these are some helpful questions for you to ask to help you determine if you have real confidence in the partner you're going to select and work with in the marketplace. The final tidbit of advice I would give you is to remember that after they get to know you and your company, ask them to present your opportunity back to you. You want to hear how they sound and how the message is put together. They're going to be your brand ambassador in the marketplace, and if you don't know how they sound and how they pitch your opportunity in the market, I think it's a huge mistake.
If you have any more questions for me, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I hope to hear from you soon!